The OHIO Bar is a useless, incompetent organization. They have made incredible attempts to deny the public quality access to attorneys who can help their case. https://www.ohiobar.org/

Not only are Attorneys in OHIO useless, unwilling to take certain cases, they are incredibly lazy, unproductive, and essentially state paid actors. The Attorneys in OHIO who are part of “Criminal Defense”, are actually State Enabled Actors who represent Citizens. These so called Attorneys sole existence is based on a mutual relationship with the people who are trying to destroy the Citizen.

This Commission of Attorneys and BAR, and State of Ohio all come together to form a sort-of ecosystem of injustice directed at the Citizens of America. It is a round table of deceit, lies, and disablement of your defense as a citizen.

They work together to disrupt and dismantle your civil rights, while “making deals”, and concessions with the State of Ohio. This is all one big “fake game”, whereby even the crime may be fake, and yet they all play this tangible game and pretend to do work, while getting paid. They are the little children who thought they grew up into an adult like job, but are still stuck at the tiny table who have outgrown their chair.

The OHIO Bar is not run by any real Attorneys, they are run by off the street wage earners with no real Investment into the system except the Cash they get out from pretending to work.

When you call into the OHIO BAR when they are not being lazy and taking the day off early, you can find them being useless, ignoring your concerns, and generally with a fake façade concerned face.

We have thought about mentioning law firms who are “unwilling” to help the common man, but we would just basically group every attorney into a class of useless humans who only pretend to do work. At this point, a “defense” attorney should start off as a useless sack of garbage, and if they can prove themselves to be something useful, it should be known. You will not find this, as the Defense Attorney is really a street walker for the State of Ohio.

The way the system has been rigged, even the Defense Attorneys are all useless and incompetent and the very word “Defense Attorney” should really mean Incompetent Pretenders. The only BAR Standard that is really set is that they fail to help the common man from clear State of Ohio abuses.

If the only thing the OHIO BAR is good at is, setting the BAR low enough that the State of Ohio can commit murder with no end in sight. They try to add legitimacy to the State Of Ohio as part of the cover and conceal guise of a real “justice system”, but they are in-fact swinging the axe above the head of an inmate, and the state of ohio is the sharp edge.

The only solution is a final solution where every attorney, every judge, every person involved in the State of Ohio’s laughable hilarious clown show of a “Justice system” is permanently removed from the Country and exported as a weapon to be used against a population in a foreign country. We vote Afghanistan, because the entire ohioan “justice system” is really just the Taliban, and they would fit in very nicely there.

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