Rotten to the Core Ohio Cops

It’s such a shame seeing a few cops going bananas and causing such mayhem. With Ohio it is mostly focused in the Cleveland area, and occasionally Columbus. They are absolutely the kind of cop you find with the nightstick in the 1950’s swinging on everything they see that they dont like. What this should tell you is that nothing they do is actually legal, and that all of their past arrests, future arrests are in a state of legitimate limbo.

All of this was predictable, and easily seen coming, it was just a matter of when, and who. Ohio is filled with human garbage yes, but also the police are broken, untrustworthy, and will make bogus baloney arrests. Thats why whenever I see a news story about Ohio arrests and cops, I dont believe it the way it’s narrated.

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office indicted 11 East Cleveland police officers

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