The Laughing Stock of the State. The Bodies will keep stacking higher and higher. In-fact we are overwhelmed with the number of “KILLS” the State of Ohio has on the American Citizen. It’s an impressive feat to have a real meat grinder.
SO MANY VICTIMS OF OHIO. HUMAN CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION WAVE. And these are just the ones who DIED, there are tens of thousands who have lived through traumatic experiences and not died, but are still suffering. We would refer to this as Human Suffering.
Killing Black Inmates OHIO loves to do this. The Entire Cuyahoga Jail complex was actually designed to process African Americans (black people), to completely destroy them in every way possible.
I COULD spend Hours doing this, but you can easily GOOGLE the following terms for unlimited reading. Now this is only the stuff that is cached by google, anything that is older than the year 2000 is likely stuffed in newspapers and in microfilm, as the Jail is quite old, and has been killing for decades. And by the way this jail is actually just a glorified holding place where innocents go before they are found guilty (we know theyre innocent because they force them all to take plea deals, and deny them the right to a fair trial under the 6th amendment).